Monday, March 19, 2012

eBooks for the Eyes & Ears- My Library Betrayal

With the move to eBooks and the cheap, fast repository at my fingertips...well, I am ashamed to admit that I have betrayed my library. I am not a good friend to my library any more. In fact, my betrayal goes even deeper. I have had a Kindle (her name is Mindy) for a couple of years now and she has become my constant companion. This relationship has developed much to the detriment and dust collection of physical books. To make matters worse, I haven't been to a physical library in almost a year. I feel your judgmental eyes searing the glare into my mind. Shame on me.

Our local library does have online digital ebook and audio book check out, download, listen capability. I have checked out a few ebooks but didn't get through them because the selection of what was there was not up to my Kindle library standards. Let's face it, you just cannot get good smut from the library and the rest of the good reads are already checked out so you get put on a waiting list. I hear you...a waiting list for digital media? Yes. I have been queued for one book for over 3 months.

Believe much as I love free stuff, I am appalled. Another "nail in the coffin" is my recent joining of That is right. Some times, I just cannot read as much as I want because I have a day job so I must resort to hearing people read to me. So many books, so little time.

And what to your wondering ears is the point? Support your local library. Be concerned about their fate. Even if you don't visit or check out anything, give your used books, write them a check, whatever you can. I am going to go visit my local libraries with donations in hand and have set up a monthly reminder in my calendar to make sure I don't forget about them.