Monday, April 20, 2015

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If you have the site bookmarked, you will need to update the link!  
See you on the new site.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Perpetual Wood-lord..I Mean Warlord

At first, I was a bit confused because this book was written before the 12th book (Lothaire) in Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark Series but is tagged on the author's website as "The Story That Launched the Immortals After Dark Series".  This tag could lead someone to think this is the first book in the series. However, the real first book in the series is A Hunger Like No Other.   So why is the "launching" story so far down the series path?   Let's just call this one a Prequel or a Flashback book.

So now, the cast of characters from the Lore-
Nikolai Roth- Vamp General in the war between good vamps and bad vamps. Hint- He is a good vamp.
Myst the Coveted- Valkyrie with horrible belly chain belt.

Basically, the plot goes like this.
Myst has been taken captive (on purpose) by the bad vamps and is in their dungeon when the good vamps storm the castle and take over.  Good vamp, General Nikolai, meets Myst the Prisoner and gets "blooded" or in Ms Cole's mythology, sort of brought back to life in that his heart starts to beat again.  He can breathe again.  AND....the lovely side effect....he can sport wood again.  That is right ladies, Nikolai has been a member of the undead for over 300 years with no action.  None.  Can't get it up.  Zilch.  That is a heck of a trade-off for immortality.

Any-who...Nikolai and Myst make out and just as you get to the good part....blam...Myst's Valkyrie sisters come rescue her leaving poor Nikolai, who has had zero action in 300 years, in the uncomfortable stiff position and blue in the southern regions.  Not for a day.  Not for a week. Not even for a year.  Nope, she leaves him like this for 5...count them FIVE YEARS.

I am going to stop here and say that was just cruel.  Neither of them asked for this situation.  Leaving him in this state'm going with discomfort....was in a word...mean.

Nikolai goes on the hunt to find Myst, who because she "blooded" Nikolai is now his "Bride". When he finds her, he essentially kidnaps her and discovers her weakness...this belly chain piece of jewelry that gives the owner/possessor the ability to order Myst around.  Of course, Nikolai gets the belly chain and abuses the power.

Now I get why Myst is angry at Nikolai.  What woman in her right mind likes someone else to have complete power over them.  BUT, let's face it, Nikolai deserves a bit of a pass for bad judgement because, well, he is extremely sexually frustrated, feeling abandoned by his girl, and having a rough time with his family, too.  Don't get me wrong.  If we were in real life and some guy tried to turn someone into a slave, I would be dialing the cops, the news reporters, blasting it on get my point.  Good thing this is FICTION, right?

As with most good romance novels, the couple end up together in the end despite all the odds and adversity.  Everything tied up in a nice little bow.

Let me end in saying that I LOVE THE IAD SERIES!  (See previous "Valkyries Rock" post)  This book is not my favorite in the series but I give it a solid 4 out of 5 stars.  Good character development.  Easy read and having read it after most of the other books in the series, see how it ties some loose ends together.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Boas & Tiaras - Allen, TX (hosted by Fresh Fiction)

If you happen to be in the DFW area on June 13th, 2015, I would like to recommend the Fresh Fiction Boas & Tiaras Event.

Boas & Tiaras Keynotes are Deeanne Gist & Cathy Maxwell!

Deeanne Gist and Cathy Maxwell are the perfect fit for our Historical Lucky #13 Boas & Tiaras on Saturday, June 13th. We can't wait to share a conversation with them while we dine on scrumptious tea treats.

Find Out More:

Check out some of our other authors!

Boas & Tiaras Author List is growing by the day. Here is a list of authors that have signed up so far.


Copyright © 2015 Fresh Fiction, All rights reserved.

Who doesn't love a good Book Club?

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of being a part of several book clubs, however, the best by far is the DFW Tea Readers hosted by Fresh Fiction.

There are book club meetings all over the DFW metroplex.  You can meet in a small group or attend a monthly Tea event with featured authors.  The best part?  You read what you want to read and then share with the group in a round table format.  I cant tell you how many great authors I was introduced to because of this format that I probably would never have found on my own.

Another facet of the Fresh Fiction book clubs is that at each meeting, an author usually calls in or attends.  What a great opportunity to ask questions, get inside scoops, or just put your 2 cents in about the next book in a favorite series.

Now that I have moved away from the DFW area, it has become even more apparent to me the gems that are Fresh Fiction and it's book clubs.

Sara & Gwen.....I miss you guys so much.  Any chance of a Willis/Conroe Tea Readers branch?  Sniff...Sniff.....

Thursday, April 9, 2015

How Many Books Can a Book Chick Buy?

"How much wood can a woodchuck chuck" in my world just got translated into "How many books can a book chick buy?"

As strange as this must sound being the book-a-holic that I am, I just really discovered Goodreads.  I started an account a while ago and uploaded a couple of books but didn't really go back.  Well, Amazon has a new feature to sync your purchased books to the Goodreads "My Books" area.  So I figure, why not...until...1,925 books later, I am hyperventilating.

That is right folks, 1,925 books purchased and read in the last 4 years.  Holy Frijoles, Batman!  That is an average of 481 books per year.   An average of 40 books per month for 48 months.  That means more than a book a day for 4 years.  Wow...just WOW!

Now this doesn't account for novellas but it also doesn't account for the sets!  I have a lot of sets!

O blessed Kindle app!  No wonder you run so slow!

So needless to say, I think it is time to revisit my collection and see what gems I can find to re-read.

My hubby and bank account will thank me.