Friday, June 29, 2012

Movie & TV Critic Extrodinaire

So I have decided to add a periodic movie & TV review to my repitoire.  Mainly because I just recently saw some things that I feel should be discussed and Facebook just won't do it justice.  Hope you enjoy.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Stress, Stress, and more Stress.

The universe thrives on chaos.  Whenever you finally think you have things under control, the powers that be think..."We cant have someone with it all together.  Let's give this one something that really builds character.  If they survive that, let's see how much they can take before they break."  Well I have had enough, f u very much.  I think the universe needs to back the hell off and find some other person to harass for a while.  I have not done anything so bad that karma should feel the need to continually kick my butt this hard.  And that karmic or universal bitch needs to leave my family and friends alone, too.  I am about to put on my ass kicking boots and start taking names.