Sunday, July 21, 2013

Holy Fourty!!!!

So I am turning 40 this year.  I know I should say the 11th anniversary of my 29th birthday or some other thing that I have done in the past but I just can't bring myself to do that today.  Some of you have read my Facebook post about my new quest.  My plan is, during my 40th year of existence, I am going to lose 40 lbs and do 40 new things.  A worthy name for this adventure is needed so send me your suggestions.

For Day 1 in my march toward 40 lbs- I walk/ran with the goal of completely running a 5k. 
New thing 1 of 40 new things- I tried a new beer that I didn't really like.  Tasted soapy to me.  The hub thought it was okay.

Today (Day 2)- I actually got the hub to do Yoga with me.  Positions that were easy to get into are now a challenge but my...oh my...did the stretching feel great.  And, my Mom told me yesterday she joined the Y so she will go exercise with me! 

New thing 2- while I didn't do it today, I did get an email response regarding doing something I have been afraid of doing... I applied for 2 jobs that are WAYYYYYY outside my comfort zone but have always wanted to do. 
1) Reference Librarian
2) Archeological Technician  (I have a degree in Anthropology I have never used for crying out loud.)

New Thing 3-The hub pointed out that I started drinking warm lemon water every morning and night a couple of days ago.  He thinks that should count.

So...thank you to my inspirational family & friends, Paul, Elizabeth, Lia, Darcy, and the rest of you that do amazing things every day like get off the sofa to do something active, you who spend time with your kids, you who teach, protect, serve, and love.   

Monday, July 15, 2013

Pacific Rim...Godzilla at its finest

Having gone into the movie, Pacific Rim, with very low expectations, I was pleasantly surprised.  I am not even a Godzilla fan but I really enjoyed this movie. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

FREE? Did you say Free Books!....wait, it isn't the whole book? LIAR!

Thank all the powers that be for free books!  Specifically, Amazon and their "Top Free 100" list.  HOWEVER this new way of splitting up a book into sections to lure me into a story and then get more money from me trying to get the rest is making me mad.  AND not having the whole thing out so I can read the whole story of one couple all the way through makes my eye twitch.

My hubby and I are trying to cut costs across the household budget and one of the things we noticed was the amount of money that was supporting my book habit.  That is right...I admit it....I have an addiction.  Hey!  Don't judge. It doesn't help that I read fast and have a touch of insomnia.  Ok...more than a touch.

So, I get this book "All That He Demands" by Olivia Thorne off the free Amazon free list to try to relax and end my rather busy day.  I read it and it was easy, quick and just plain good BUT it isn't the whole story.  Nooooo.  It is only a few chapters...a mere Novella!  Deep breath taken and I go looking for the rest.

There is another story "All That He Desires".  Again, easy, quick and really good and so I had to pay $2.99 BUT it wasn't the whole story AGAIN!  Another deep breath and some ground teeth but I go find the next part "All That He Wants".  Easy, quick and really good, another $2.99 and this is where my anger burns bright...NOT THE END OF THE STORY!  Not only not the end of the story but the next part was "supposed" to come out end of May 2013 so I think I am golden.  When I go look for the next book to see how much this one will set me hasn't been released yet.  Grrrrrrrrrr.

My preference (and this is all about me, right?) is to wait until a whole series is out before I read it because I want to read it all the way through.  Sometimes that isn't possible when you have say..9 or more books in your series (Kresley Cole, Lauren Dane, Bianca D'Arc, Lara Adrian, and so many others) and you keep putting out more or creating spin offs to the series.

What keeps me happy with those series is that each book is its own episode.  There is some underlying story line across the series but it merely facilitates the episodic relationships and allows for getting updates on some of your favorite characters.  I can live with that because each book has some form of resolution.  Cliff Hangers and I don't get along.  There has been enough waiting and unresolved situations in my real life, I don't want that in my entertainment.  Periodically, if it is a REALLY great story, I can tolerate but even they typically have a sort of decrescendo at the end of the episode.

So Olivia Thorne, thanks for contributing a good story that I WANT to read but PLEASE put the next one out and let it be the end/resolution.  I can honestly say, I would have paid $6.00 for your whole book and it would have me coming back to read other books you write but as of right now, I am hesitant to get involved in your other books if they are just going to leave me hanging every time.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

TV Viewing Weakness- SYTYCD

Okay.  I admit it.  While I find most reality TV very distasteful, I love So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD).  The hubby and I DVR this show and watch it together.  We even save episodes that have routines we really love so we can watch them again.

Maybe my visceral reaction is because I grew up in a dancing family.  Dance classes because I was really uncoordinated.  Dancing with my dad around the house and watching him dance with my Mom everywhere he heard a song he liked.  If there was a dance floor and we were not injured, my family was dancing.  Sometimes even when we were injured.

Watching Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor in "Singin' In The Rain" was when I first realized dancers are remarkable athletes and I still have a bit of a crush on Gene.  Then I saw Ann Miller in "Stage Door" and became enamored with a genre of movies that contained the likes of Eleanor Powell, Leslie Caron, Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.

But what appeals to me the most about SYTYCD?  The attitudes.  They count egotistical, snotty, diva behavior as marks against the dancers.  They praise and encourage support, partnering, and working in groups.  They value and hold the choreographers accountable as much as the dancers.  But most importantly, the show is about growth.  Yes, they pick great dancers but they also pick dancers with potential.  They want artists, performers, and technicians.  The criticism is always constructive and if something is a subjective comment, the judges say so.

Thank you SYTYCD for providing a glimpse how reality should be instead of the low grade reality that we shouldn't be encouraging by making the people celebrities.

Man of Steel stole my heart

This post must be prefaced by stating that while my favorite superhero movie is Captain America, my second is Superman II.  Christopher Reeve was a really great and emotionally approachable Superman in the second movie and he holds a special place in my heart.  So that being said, Man of Steel had quite a bit to overcome just from that alone.  Add to that the casting of some of my least favorite actors (Kevin Costner & Russell Crowe) and I didn't have high hopes.  I was wrong.

Henry Cavil-  Yes, he is wonderful eye candy but I am totally impressed with his serious acting chops.  There were some scenes where he was just walking, thinking, looking and his eyes and expressions conveyed some amazing depth.  His conveyance of the moral dilemmas presented were realistic, believable and allowed me to become absorbed in some really good story telling.  Note:The kids they have playing the younger Clarks were amazing as well.

Amy Adams- Spectacular Lois Lane!  I was never fond of Margot Kidder because she was too much "His Girl Friday" with some awful timing in her slapstick.  Margot Kidder played Lois Lane as either in your face or a total wimp both with horrible decision making skills.  On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, Amy Adams plays a real, feminine, strong woman with ambition and success but not at the expense of her principles.

The rest of the supporting cast was great.  They played their roles really well and didn't distract from the story.  Even the special effects were amazing but not at the expense of the overall story.  But the true star of the movie is the it should be.  These amazing actors & film makers brought to life a morality play about choices.  You can be bullied, an outsider, lose your family members but the important part is how you choose to live your life.   These characters chose to do the right thing even when it meant they might lose something.

One of the best scenes in the movie is when Clark goes to a church and talks to a priest.  Behind Clark, is a stain glass of the "Passion of Christ" which is praying in the garden asking God to take the burden of saving mankind from him.  This is exceptionally poignant because Clark is trying to decide if he is going to give himself up to save mankind.  Clark says something to the effect of "I know Zod cannot be trusted but I am not sure mankind can be trusted either".  The conversation continues and just before Clark leaves, the priest says something that hit me in the gut..."Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith first and trust comes later".  Amazing.  Insightful.  So incredibly poignant to my motto of trying to live life without fear.

So, I went in without any real expectations and left with a beautiful, uplifting, touching, visually spectacular and well acted film that will be purchased for full price on BluRay with the 3 pak (BluRay, DVD, & Digital version).