Sunday, July 21, 2013

Holy Fourty!!!!

So I am turning 40 this year.  I know I should say the 11th anniversary of my 29th birthday or some other thing that I have done in the past but I just can't bring myself to do that today.  Some of you have read my Facebook post about my new quest.  My plan is, during my 40th year of existence, I am going to lose 40 lbs and do 40 new things.  A worthy name for this adventure is needed so send me your suggestions.

For Day 1 in my march toward 40 lbs- I walk/ran with the goal of completely running a 5k. 
New thing 1 of 40 new things- I tried a new beer that I didn't really like.  Tasted soapy to me.  The hub thought it was okay.

Today (Day 2)- I actually got the hub to do Yoga with me.  Positions that were easy to get into are now a challenge but my...oh my...did the stretching feel great.  And, my Mom told me yesterday she joined the Y so she will go exercise with me! 

New thing 2- while I didn't do it today, I did get an email response regarding doing something I have been afraid of doing... I applied for 2 jobs that are WAYYYYYY outside my comfort zone but have always wanted to do. 
1) Reference Librarian
2) Archeological Technician  (I have a degree in Anthropology I have never used for crying out loud.)

New Thing 3-The hub pointed out that I started drinking warm lemon water every morning and night a couple of days ago.  He thinks that should count.

So...thank you to my inspirational family & friends, Paul, Elizabeth, Lia, Darcy, and the rest of you that do amazing things every day like get off the sofa to do something active, you who spend time with your kids, you who teach, protect, serve, and love.   

Monday, July 15, 2013

Pacific Rim...Godzilla at its finest

Having gone into the movie, Pacific Rim, with very low expectations, I was pleasantly surprised.  I am not even a Godzilla fan but I really enjoyed this movie.