Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Would if I Could

There are very few men that make it to my “Would if I Could” list. Most of them are what I know of them from when they play or actually are Fictional Characters because, let's face it, these are all a fantasy. In no particular order...

Cary Grant
Gene Kelly
Hugh Jackman
Trace Adkins
Dwayne Johnson aka “The Rock”
Vin Diesel (though he is a bit more bad boy than I usually go for)
Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs
Gerard Butler in the movies “Dracula 2000” & “300”
Captain America (the latest movie)
Warwick “War” in the book Icy Heat: A Heat series story by Leigh Wyndfield

Recently, I have added a new fantasy to my list- Hal from Bianca D’Arc’s book “Warrior’s Heart- Gifts from the Ancients, Book 1”.

Bianca, honey, you have written a man that makes my knees weak, my heart beat, and my panties… well, I will keep this PG-rated. MWROWRRRRR. Hal can tear down my fence anytime (read the book, you will understand). I have a feeling if you keep writing the rest of his team the same way, I might have to expand my already debauched fantasies which may or may not be a good thing.

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