Monday, August 6, 2012

Funky Fairy Tales

There is an adorable and barely PG-rated Funky Fairy Tale running around called “The Princess and The Penis” by RJ Silver. You read correctly. Now you know me. Anything with a title this catchy, I must read.

*SPOILERS*- Basic storyline is this princess that everyone is trying to keep a virgin until her wedding day keeps waking up with a lump in her bed. The more she starts to describe this lump to everyone, the less they tell her about what it is because they think keeping her in the dark about the birds & the bees is the way to go. Of course, the lump is shaped like…you guessed it…a penis.

Eventually, they have to tell her what is going on. She, being the smart cookie that she is, has already reasoned that in every other fairy tale you have to kiss the offending item so that the curse is broken so…. See where I am going with this. Kiss the frog, get the prince. Kiss the princess, she wakes up. That is right folks. Gotta kiss something here. Guess what it is.

Handsome prince appears post kiss and the reason he was poking princess in the first place is because prince she was supposed to marry is actually a bad guy and he could not bear to have her marry the bad guy because he is in love with her. Princess picks handsome, large-membered, curse-broken (remember that kiss?) prince and they live happily ever after.

Cute, mindless fun reading with a bit of a warped way of getting to the moral but I was thoroughly amused.

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