Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I don't Recall much of Total Recall...Is that bad?

Remakes are very rarely better than the original.  Such is true with this film.  Guess it was good that I didn't have high expectations.

Pros of the remake:
  1. Eye candy in the form of Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel who both carried this movie.
  2. Enjoyed the combination of the previous Michael Ironside and Sharon Stone characters into one really good bad girl played by Kate.
  3. Cute nods to the original (3 boobed woman, hologram-head woman going through security)
  4. The Gravity Switch!  Reminds me of the Vomit Comet flight which is on my bucket list of things to do before I die.
Cons of the remake:
  1. Movie starts with "Original Films" production company frames which instantly made me chuckle and ask the question "Seriously?".
  2. Visuals, special effects, and chase scenes completely ripped off from previous classics like Blade Runner, original Total Recall, Minority Report and others.  
  3. Where was Mars?  
  4. I think Philip Dick would probably take issue with several of the changes made to his really good short story.
  5. Arnold Schwarzenegger is so much better as Quaid/Hauser than Colin Farrell, there is no comparison.  Arnold, as the consummate action hero, integrated tongue in cheek humor and kitschy one liners that kept me amused and thoroughly entertained through the whole film.  Colin, on the other hand, just looks stunned, took himself way to seriously and really didn't convince me he felt strongly about anything going on.  It was almost like watching...as much as this might offend some people who really like Colin... Keanu Reeves.
  6. As a fan of Bill Nighy, I was excited to see he had a role in this but there was all this build up to his character and when he actually took the screen, it was very anti-climactic and only lasted about 5 minutes, if that.
  7. While Kate & Jessica looked great and basically carried the film, their very short fight scenes were weak.
So based on the standard movie review questions:
  1. Would we pay full price to see this movie in the theater? No.  Thank goodness we didn't.
  2. Would we buy the DVD?  Full price or Discount Bin? Nope.  Not going to buy.

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